SEEDS. Supported Employment. Expect. Develop. Support.

Our supported employment services offer one-on-one help to assist our Members find and keep competitive integrated jobs they are good at and like.

We believe everyone has unique talents, and we work hard to find the right job for each person.

Our goal is to create workplaces that are welcoming and fair to everyone, where people can build a career with respect and equal chances to succeed.

Employment First

At The Opportunity Tree’s Employment Program, we are an ‘Employment First’ organization. This means that our first and main goal is to help people with disabilities find and keep jobs in the community, just like everyone else.

We believe that everyone, based on their abilities, should have the chance to work at a job they enjoy and earn a fair wage.

By focusing on what each person CAN DO, rather than what they can’t, we help them find jobs where they can use their strengths and be a valued member of a team.

It’s about seeing potential and creating opportunities for everyone to shine.

Learn more about Employment First: Employment First | Arizona APSE

Janika, a Member of The Opportunity Tree's employment services program, smiles and poses with her uniform at Sprouts.

Competitive Integrated Employment

Competitive Integrated Employment is a term we use to talk about jobs where people with and without disabilities work together, earning the same wages and enjoying the same benefits. It is important because it ensures that everyone has an equal chance to find a good job that pays fairly and lets people be a part of their community.

Benefits for Individuals:

  1. Fair Pay: You earn the same as everyone else doing the same job.
  2. Growth Opportunities: You have chances to learn new skills and move up in your job.
  3. Community: You get to be a part of a team and make new friends at work.
  4. Independence: Working helps you build a life where you can make your own choices.
  5. Self-Esteem: Doing a job well helps you feel good about yourself.

Benefits for Employers:

  1. Diverse Perspectives: Having a team with different experiences and views can bring new and fresh ideas.
  2. Reliable Employees: Many employers find that people who get jobs through programs like ours are dedicated and reliable workers.
  3. Positive Work Environment: Working with a diverse team can create a positive and inclusive work atmosphere.
  4. Community Engagement: Employers can build a good reputation in the community by offering equal opportunities to everyone.
  5. Tax Benefits: In some places, employers can get tax benefits for hiring people with disabilities.

Supported Employment

Supported Employment means helping people with intellectual and developmental disabilities find and keep jobs that suit them. It’s all about making sure everyone gets to work in a place where they feel valued and included. This way, people with disabilities can have stable jobs, earn their own money, and be a part of the community.

Services Offered

Under “Supported Employment,” The Opportunity Tree offers a range of services to assist individuals in finding and retaining meaningful employment.

Here is what we offer:

  • Vocational Rehabilitation Services
    • Job Development and Retention (JDR) Services through Vocational Rehabilitation
      • Training and Skills Development: We offer training programs to help you build the skills you need for the job you want.
      • Resume and Interview Help: We assist in creating great resumes and preparing for job interviews to increase the chances of getting hired.
      • Finding the Right Job: We help you find a job that matches your skills and interests.
      • Support Along the Way: Once you get the job, we stick with you, helping you settle in and solve any problems that come up.
      • Learn More: Vocational Rehabilitation | Arizona Department of Economic Security (
    • Division of Developmental Disabilities Employment Services
      • Individual Supported Employment: This service is all about one-on-one support. We work closely with you to understand your strengths and find a job that suits you. We also help employers understand how to support you best at work.
      • Group Supported Employment: A small group of people is supported to work together in a job. It can be a great way to learn new skills with the support of a team and is time limited.

    • Learn More: Member Employment Services | Arizona Department of Economic Security (

We believe in a world where everyone, regardless of their abilities, can work, grow, and thrive in a supportive and inclusive environment.

But we can’t do it alone.

We need you — the dreamers, the supporters, the employers who see potential in every individual.

🌟 Job Seekers: Reach out to find a place where your unique abilities are recognized and celebrated.

🌟 Employers: Partner with us to discover a talent pool of dedicated, reliable individuals ready to add value to your team.

🌟 Schools: Collaborate with us to empower every student to kickstart their work journey.

🌟 Supporters: Volunteer with us or donate to help us build more inclusive communities.

Got questions? 

The Opportunity Tree is here to help you navigate employment, no matter who you are. For additional information, call us at 602-956-0400 or email at

Interested in joining the program? 

We offer SEEDS Supported Employment Services in all four of our communities –

Avondale, Phoenix, Casa Grande, & Maricopa.

Call: 602-956-0400


Our Locations


3146 E. Windsor Ave.

Phoenix, AZ 85008

Casa Grande

209 W. 1st St.

Casa Grande, AZ 85122


328 W. Western Ave.

Avondale, AZ 85323


19756 North Maricopa Rd.

Suites #108 & 109

Maricopa, AZ 85139

Campus Hours: 

Monday - Friday - 8 AM - 6 PM

The Opportunity Tree is closed on federal holidays.

The Opportunity Tree's QCO: 20354

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